Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ten minutes changes everything

So this entire time of the puppies existence, David and I have been preparing for Hank to leave us to go to Genteel Plantation...aka...Bird Dog Heaven (heaven as in paradise). So the time came for us to take him this past Wednesday and we packed up the car with all three dogs (mistake #1) and started the trek. Like I said in an earlier post, this plantation is outside of Wilmington on the way to Clinton. SO, David, myself and all three puppies were on the way. About 40 minutes into the drive, the pups decided to shut up their whining. When we got to the little store where we were meeting Steve, we let the dogs out on their leashes (they not fans of leashes yet)and they played a little before loading them back up to go to Ricky's. No joke, once we got to Ricky's, they played for a solid hour and a half. That ENTIRE time, I was letting go of Hank, knowing he'd be in a great place for bird dog training and I just had a great time taking pictures and laughing at these crazy-fun puppies. So about 15 minutes before we left, Ricky decided to tie a dead quail to a fishing rod and watch the puppies (see if they would point it). We stood there in complete shock at what we saw......Reba and Watson chased that bird 100 times and Hank chased leaves. The freakin' bird dog prodigy (thats what we thought he'd be) was chasing leaves. And when he wasn't chasing leaves, he was laying down under the truck. David, Steve and I couldn't believe that point, we felt like we should offer Ricky whichever dog he wanted because he's a great trainer and really needs a dog interested in birds. He immediately said Watson, although if really given the choice, he'd have taken Reba. So, homeward bound we were.....with Reba and Hank. I wasn't completely prepared for Watson to be gone....he was our runt and we named him after our street! We had a special little bond that was really sweet and I'll certainly miss that goofy face. BUT, he'll have a great time in his new home. As for Reba and Hank, they are still chillin' on Watson Avenue and today I introduced them to the kennel in the backyard as opposed to the inside puppy palace. They will eventually understand that the outside kennel is way more fun than the inside one. They barked a whined a good bit and I just couldn't deal with it. I need to work on them a little bit before leaving them out there. Its definitely time to start some obedience training with them and we have to make sure we stay consistent and on them.......they are sweet and cute dogs but they will grow nonetheless and they have to learn now what is right/wrong. So basic training begins on Monday. :) the fun!

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